Check out our wealth of online financial literacy knowledge.
Financial Literacy Seminars
It’s never too early (or too late) to start good financial habits. That’s why Gather offers free financial education sessions for both students and adults. It’s always a good idea to learn about better ways to manage your money.
Smart Saving
Elementary students will learn the difference between a savings account and a piggy bank. Discussion topics include what dividends are and how they work, how to use an ATM card responsibly, and the difference between a savings account and a checking account.
We’ll discuss the benefits of saving strategy by determining how long it will take them to become a millionaire. Finally, we’ll show what it takes to be a smart saver and teach tips for making the most of an allowance.
Give Me Some Credit
We’ll discuss the basics of credit cards, including understandable interpretations of all the fine print. We’ll teach about the dangers associated with credit cards and tips to avoid common mistakes. In addition, students will learn the difference between various types of cards and what to look for when comparing credit card options. We will review why it’s important to establish good credit, define what a credit score is and offer tips on how to keep your credit in good standing. This session is a must for students heading off to college or entering the workforce.
Your First Home
A must for first-time homebuyers or for those who want to learn more about purchasing a home. We'll provide all the tips and tools to help you work toward purchasing your dream home. We’ll explain the entire process of home buying and prepare you for working with realtors, inspectors and lawyers.
Auto Buying Tips
Whether you’re buying a new or used, from a dealer or an individual, we can help. Before purchasing your next car, be sure you know how to get the best deal possible. We’ll offer insights into automotive terminology, warranties and financing options. We’ll prepare you to walk into a dealership with confidence and walk out with a great deal. In addition, we'll provide tips for buying used cars and what your options are when buying from an individual.
Zogo is a gamified financial literacy app that rewards users for completing bite-sized financial literacy lessons on intelligently saving, spending, and managing their own money. Level up and earn while you learn, with real-life rewards - like gift cards to your favorite stores!

Higher Education Scholarships
Gather is a big believer in the pursuit of higher education. We are proud to offer up to ten (10) $1,000 scholarships to graduating high school seniors every year. To be eligible, you must be a graduating high school senior who is accepted and planning to enroll full-time in any two or four-year institution of higher learning. Recipients must be enrolled as full time students, be members in good standing of the credit union. The scholarship is paid directly to the school of the student's choice for educational expenses such as tuition, books, fees, supplies, and room and board.
Applications are accepted every year starting January 1 and closes in March.
Call the credit union at 808.245.6791 or click our scholarship page for more information.
In-School Student Branches
BankBus Programs
The BankBus is a mobile financial education program that helps young students learn about the basics of banking and money management. For more information or to find out how your school can become a partner too, call us at 808.245.6791.